Regina T. Colonna
USAmazing bike! I bought the baby maker 2 for my husband who is an avid bike rider and has 6 high end bikes. He loves this bike! He said the battery power is great! We love the way it looks! Highly recommend the shop and bike!
USGreat American e bike This company is great. The product (Babymaker 2) is competitively priced with way above average components. It is lighter and rides better than other pedal assist bikes in its class. User friendly and low maintenance. The company's sales team has been non existent with all questions and accessory orders handled by the service and tech department. They rock! All questions answered and very helpful! Assembled in the USA!
USFixie single spd by Rize eBikes (?) Fixie single spd by Rize eBikes (?) Take a look at the Fixie by Rize eBikes, its a great bike too, but at a lower price and very comparable to BM2. My family owns the two brands and they're both excellent light weight single speeds.
Sam Muru
USFly in more ways than one This bike looks Fly. All black and without a logo, it is a stealth bike that nobody will think has a motor or battery in it. Even when I tell people about that they wonder if I am pulling a fast one on them. One moment you are riding it like a regular bike and the next moment when you crank up the motor assist, you will feel like you are fly-ing. Whether your goal is to conquer the hill or put a little pep in your speed, it can all be achieved quickly and you get to choose the effort. This has rekindled the joy and love of riding, thank you BabyMaker II!
George E.
USService above and beyond expectation! I have 2000 miles on my FLX Trail and recently broke my rear axel. I called service to order the part and was told they wouldn't have them for a few weeks. I was disappointed until he told me he would pull one off a new bike and ship it to me in a day or so. Fantastic service, way above and beyond expectation. I know where I will be buying my next bike, you should consider them too.