USLiked many courses and have taken many… Liked many courses and have taken many from Mosh but right now this course has failed me and I'm bricked on resolving the why Next Auth isn't working. Would also prefer, like may other courses on other sites, a file download for comparison or even a section branch reference link to a repo for large projects. I'm still doing extensive research to resolve the issue which is taking away from learning about Next.js so I've had to side burner this course to grab another course on Next.js 14 off Udemy by Maximilian Schwarzmüller for a tight project deadline. Should I ask for refund? Don't know. Is their better support on Udemy than on Mosh's? Some would say yes but historically the course content from Mosh has been better than other sites.
Dave G
CAFun AND USEFUL the pace, clarity, and enthusiasm that Mosh has make this course GREAT. Learning can be fun. And I'm 71. Old dogs can learn new tricks.
Sallam Abualhaija
LUThe videos are hd and I can download… The videos are hd and I can download them and learn offline. The practical material is also available. Payment went fine.
Piyush Agarwal
INAlthough the course was good, but Although the course was good, one thing which was missing is no. of exercises, there are not a lot of exercises or projects which are required to learn any programming language properly, so Mr. Mosh can improve upon this.
Daniel Lachica
PHHighly recommended React course 5 stars all around. The pacing of the course is just right, and it's easy to code alongside the videos. The exercises also encourage you to think since not everything is spoon-fed to you; but you're given enough to know what to do. Would highly recommend for beginners looking to master React.