
Based on 20 Reviews










About Fluenz

Several years ago we set out to create the language-learning program we had always wanted for ourselves. In the eight years since then we’ve handcrafted seven language programs, each one individually tailored to the needs of real learners. We spent all that time carving a unique path through each language to allow English-speakers to learn better and faster. While teaching Mandarin as if it was Spanish is very common, it wasn't good enough for us. Languages are the result of billions of conversations over hundreds, even thousands of years. This is the complexity that makes them beautiful and which tempts so many of us to take up the challenge of learning them. Of course it’s possible to play with an App and pick up a few words, but to actually retain enough Spanish to ask questions, give and receive directions, and have a conversation in a real setting takes a lot more than that. It takes a great teacher, the kind who leads, inspires, and challenges us to fluency. Conveying the magic of a great one-on-one tutorial in a digital program begins by placing the tutor at the center of learning—even on the iPhone. For those who really want to learn, our great teachers, our great explanations, and the way each language is carefully taught can make all the difference in the world. And that's what inspires our work. One more thing. While engaging, beautiful design is often dismissed as irrelevant in education, we beg to differ.


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Chris Harrison

Should I choose Fluenz? I've read the reviews (and thank everyone for the many contributions) but not many seem to factor in the intelligence of the user. Okay, what do I mean? Well, I'm not the sharpest knife in the drawer - by a long chalk. I'm in my twilight years (recently described as a 'coffin dodger') and never achieved more that a few CSE's at school. So, how is Fluenz for me? The answer is great. BUT... It's how you use it. Okay, if you've been blessed with the intelligence of Stephen Hawking or Albert Einstein you'll probably witter on about the software or how the lessons are not as good as Rosetta Stone etc and maybe throw in how expensive it is (which I will mention later), but that doesn't help a thicko like me. So how am I getting on with it? Am I learning Italian? (The language I have chosen). Yes. It teaches you what you are likely to need and although you won't pass the Advanced Learning exams to become an English teacher in Milan you will learn enough to a) enjoy it! Because it's not the traditional tried and tested way that's boring, and boring means difficult because you quickly lose interest and b) You will be able to use it on your next trip abroad (or in the local Italian restaurant) - this itself will give you confidence & and you will come home buzzing and wanting to fire up the program as soon as you can. Fluenz teaches you what to say in the real world. My advice to get the best from it is simple. As we all have varying levels of intelligence simply partake in each lesson (in order) until it's sunk in. If you are clever then you'll work through them one after the other, if, like me, you're not then do them time and time again. Some I do 3 or 4 times. So what? I'm learning!! The worst thing you can do is move on to the next lesson without learning the first. It doesn't work. As to cost....yes, it's not the cheapest out there to be sure. But once you have it then it's forever as is the support. I purchased Fluenz in the days of the CD's (now I understand long gone and all on line) but have contacted Fluenz for support and got it. (It's because I couldn't get the CD's to work - that's when I found out I didn't need them lol). I appreciate this is a long review but if it helps just one person it will be worth it. I'm no Benny Lewis but I am grasping the Italian language. Whether you chose Fluenz or not I wish you good luck & if you really want to learn another language don't give up. You will want to at times I'm sure but keep at it. You'll get there!


Love this app! Several years ago I did three modules of Fluenz Spanish in preparation for a trip to Spain. First of all, I had a lot of fun studying with this program because it engaged my hearing, my vision, and my kinetics. I also liked the fact that I learned some grammar. With those three modules I was able to talk with people on the phone in Spain in their language and to coordinate with an Airbnb host who didn’t speak any English. Right now I’m learning Italian in preparation for a trip to Italy. Even though Italian is more difficult than Spanish, I again have a lot of fun learning it and look forward to testing my language skills when I get to Tuscany. Arrivederci!

Sathish Sekar

Great introduction to a language I used Fluenz for their Spanish program. I bought all levels 1-5. The video instruction is very interested and engaging. Sonia is a good teacher and keeps your interest. The exercises can get repetitive though. Sometimes you are working with the same sentences over and over again, so some more variety would be nice. The program teaches "thrifty" vocabulary that be used in a variety of contexts. This program is a great introduction for someone to self study. For best results, pair this program with real-life practice with a native speaker. I also started watching a Spanish soap opera to increase my immersion into Spanish. Overall, great product and is worth the premium price tag!

David Gordon

Did not work well in China online I tried to use Learn Mandarin in China, specifically Qindao and had both performance problems and an inability to set it up to learn Chinese characters. Now that I'm back in the US, I'll try again, but it was sure a let down not to be able to use the learning while I was in China for 2 months.


Yes, best internet program of learning Spanish! The program has lots of excises which are organized in a way so that we repeat specific words and phrases but in different ways. So, we don't find them boring and can really learn. Lessons progress in small steps which are well fit for self-learners like us. Yes, we need effort to practice as many days as possible even if a little at a time. But if we follow the advice and keep moving through the lessons, we can learn well. As to speaking, we can't simply depend on this program, but this is the best program I tried.

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