Anna Chin

Based on 3 Reviews










About Anna Chin

Find clarity & live authentically! Specializing in helping individuals find fulfillment and purpose in life. Time to start believing in yourself because you deserve to live a life that you desire sooner rather than later! My coaching approach is based on the belief that change doesn't have to be hard work or tough. It's a false notion that we have to struggle to achieve the life we want. Change can be enjoyable and empowering when we find our own unique path. Living authentically and embracing our uniqueness is liberating, effortless, and fulfilling.

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Successful Career Change in Just 1 Month! Before I met Anna, I was miserable and confused about my career. Even though my job was considered to have a good salary and high social status, I never enjoyed it one bit. I’d had 3 career coaches, and unfortunately, all of them only gave me vague advice in a one-off session. Unlike those coaches, Anna first diagnosed the reason why I was not happy with my job and what I really desired in my career, and offered me some practical options. Then, Anna identified my strengths, qualities and values, guided me through resume writing and mock interview training. To our surprise, after mass applying, I got 6 offers within 17 days! The interviewers highly praised my resume. They seemed to have decided to hire me before the interviews, because my resume highlighted my unique, irreplaceable strengths. Also, since Anna had taught me how to ask the right questions during interviews, I was able to gather enough information to figure out the offer that suited me best. Originally, I thought that career change was difficult, if not impossible. However, in just one month, Anna has helped me stand out from other candidates, and that’s something I couldn’t have achieved on my own. Anna has saved me a lot of wasted effort. I’m so lucky to have met Anna! If you’re feeling stuck in life and want to change the status quo, look no further than Anna! 只花一個月的時間,轉職成功! 遇到Anna之前,我對於自己的職業生涯感到痛苦、徬徨。雖然我的工作有著不錯的薪水和社會地位,我完全沒有愛過它。我曾找過3位職涯教練,但他們都只用一節課的時間,給我一些模糊的建議。 Anna作法很不一樣,她一開始就診斷出我不快樂的原因,以及我真正想追求的事物,並提供我可行的方案。接著,Anna發掘我的強項、特質和價值,引導我撰寫履歷和模擬面試。 出乎意料的是,在我大量投履歷後17天,總共獲得6個offer!面試官大力讚賞我的履歷,我感覺他們早在面試前就很想錄用我了,因為履歷呈現了我獨特的、不可取代的優勢。此外,Anna教會我如何在面試過程中問對問題,所以我能夠獲取足夠資訊,選擇最適合我的offer。 我原本以為轉職會很困難,甚至不可能成功。但是,Anna在一個月之內幫助我在求職者中脫穎而出,這是我不可能憑一己之力辦到的。Anna讓我少走好多冤枉路,能夠遇見Anna真是太幸運了! 如果覺得人生卡住了、想要突破現狀,找Anna就對了!


Mind blowing coaching experience ! 這次的輔導經驗對我來說收穫巨大。通過她的指導,我對如何有效地與團隊進行溝通和發展我的領導技巧有了寶貴的見解。 Anna是一個出色的傾聽者,為我提供了極好的指導以增強我的專業表現。她出色的技巧,可以幫助個人確定自已的潛力,並朝著這個方向努力。很感謝安娜的幫助和建議,讓我工作上變得更加有自信,並能在採取行動之前考慮各種方法。 The coaching experience has been immensely rewarding for me. Through the process, I have gained valuable insights on how to effectively communicate with my team and develop my leadership skills. Anna was an exceptional listener and provided me with fantastic guidance to enhance my performance. She have a remarkable talent for helping individuals identify their potential and navigate towards it. Thanks to Anna's invaluable assistance and recommendations, I have become more self-assured in my role and am able to consider various approaches before taking action!

Stella Han

High Recommend Anna as your coach! I've been working with Anna for couple of months now and I can confidently say that she's been a game-changer. With her guidance and support, I've been able to break free from my past experiences that were holding me back in both my personal and professional life. Anna helped me identify the root issue that was causing my procrastination and, because of her, I've been able to overcome this challenge and find new ways to succeed. I highly recommend Anna to anyone looking to make real changes in their life – she's simply amazing! Thank you Anna! 幾個月前我搵左Anna 做我既Life Coach, 可以話佢改變咗我嘅人生。佢嘅指引及支持,令我終於可以擺脫過去嘅經歷,唔再影響我嘅個人同埋職業生涯。Anna幫咗我搵出咗引致我優柔寡斷嘅問題根源,因為佢,我終於可以克服呢個難關,並且喺搵到新嘅成功方法。我好推薦Anna俾啲想要喺人生入面有真正改變嘅人,佢一定幫到你!多謝你Anna!

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