USPretty good site. Good download portal and it's basic, but just right; it's not too basic and not too complicated/messy of an interface.
Winton A.
USReally Straight Forward Design As the title suggests, the website has a straight forward design and will work perfectly when you're in a hurry to download something. The download links(your current download and other products) stands out amongst everything in the page.
Manik Kakde
INLanding page for downloading adobe reader I find the download page for Adobe Reader very user-friendly. On many sites it is very difficult to locate the download button; but not so with this website. i could download the software easily, without ant hassles. by manik kakde
LaShana Claude
USClear and concise. The landing page is clean and professional looking. The description is concise and easy to follow. If I were looking to download adobe, I would consider this site. The download button is easily located and at the top of the page so people have no trouble coming to download adobe. There isn't any difficulty in accessing the landing page or understanding how to download adobe.
Hitesh Garg
INNice and Easy It was really easy to find the download button as you can find it as soon as you open the website. One can download Adobe Reader Application from Downloadape even faster than the Adobe Website itself.