USJacob's Review From what I've gathered I would never purchase from this hosting company, their Discord server has been partnered with leaking servers in the past and that doesn't typically leave a good mark. Within their Discord, they tell 'customers' to leave good reviews so they're able to gain reputation, this is my honest review and nothing more.
James Grant
FRBEST SERVER HOSTING EVER! This is the best server hosting I've ever seen in a while, You can run anything on these servers and the owner is very kind!
Zachary Rarick
USReview It was great the Owner was fast to respond and respectful
Twisted Corpse
USJust Amazing Just plain and simple... it is amazing. I have never seen something this great cause I have seen the hard work they put into it and the quality of what they do. It is amazing. 5/5
Jack Hummel
USUnbeatable This hosting is amazing! I purchased a CHEAP FiveM server and it runs amazing. I have no problems at all. And the prices are great! Great work JustStormZ and his team. Keep up the great work!