Kirubel Reed
USThe 8 lines of code is not a welcoming… The 8 lines of code is not a welcoming trial for people trying to checkout your platform. I'll stick to Replit for now. Good product for paying users though, I'll give it that. I also never seen a useful snippet that is less than 8 lines of code. I don't know where he got that from.
US8 lines of of code limit they have a dumb "8 lines of of code limit" that turned me away as i don't have the money to pay for a premium plan
Thomas Endersen
USExcellent! PlayCode makes writing code fast and reflective. I get exactly the feedback that I need to speed through while using all the tools of the trade. I decided to signup for the Pro version since PlayCode definitely does all the things I need to help me in my day to day. The UI is sleek, the responsiveness is excellent, the LiveView shines, and all the help it offers makes things fun and exciting to use. Thanks for making PlayCode!
Agostino Convertini
ITSmooth, intuitive and helpful I found PlayCode just googling and I started to test it to create small interviews challenges. I loved it from the first usage. Very intuitive and helpful!
yazdan Gholami
USThat is very stupid -