Melanie Wright Emry
USThere are pluses and minuses There are pluses and minuses. Some of the questions are a little vague. "Do you take any _________" without definition of ___________. How do I know? And the information about the trials is also not very specific. It doesn't specify if the trial can be done without attendance at their clinic or if it requires in person participation. So I'm left wondering about my suitability.
David C
USNeed to list the questions first which may require doctor assistance The questions were simple, however I have a general suggestion for all studies. I noticed this with both the CANCER and CPAP questionnaires. I was unable to answer the questions without consulting my physican. That's fine, and there is a note to the left indicating so. BUT... what I didn't realize was, there was going to be MULTIPLE questions on which I needed assistance. You might preface the "difficult" questions by saying "The following questions may require assistance from your physican to answer: a, b, c" For example, SKIN CANCER asked what type I had {Melanoma, BCC, SCC} and I stopped the survey for a day until I could get that answer. I got the answer and then restarted the survey. next question: what stage: {0,1,2,3,4}. I had to ask again! Same thing happened on CPAP questions: What type of sleep apnea do you have, followed by , what level.
USI am so happy I want My life back I… I am so happy I want My life back I have 20 grandchildren and one great grandchild 12 of them under the age of 10 I would like to go to the park and water parks with them more than so I would like to be comfortable socializing with my friends and family.Thank you
Amanda Keyes
USI'm not sure about the trial because I… I'm not sure about the trial because I haven't done it yet. If I am selected for the trial, I will provide in depth explanation of process and experience
William E Wilkins
USIK am very interested in doing this… IK am very interested in doing this trail. I want to get my body back in the safe it used to be3, want to ger rid of this medications that I think is hurting me instead of helping me. thank You