Former Customer
USOne of Many Options Very high up front fees with relatively little downstream guidance. You can accomplish the same things at a fraction of the cost through other overseas entities by dealing directly with them.
USI have appreciated the work that the … I have appreciated the work that the Lodmill group has done for my family and me. Douglass has been available to help with questions or concerns that I have had over the years regarding our family trust and business interest.
USStarting to have some doubts. I'm not sure exactly who's leading the firm now. It just seems like they've started to go in different directions. I get no communication or updates, newsletters, etc. about changes related to asset protection laws. I don't know if my partnership annual reviews are being filed, etc. I used to get a call every year and now I don't. When you only hear from a firm once a year to collect their retainer, you start to get a little disappointed.
USVery difficult to actually speak to an … Very difficult to actually speak to an attorney in spite of that being one of their selling points. Mainly the office manager deals w questions. They also don't take care of the required annual minutes/meeting for Trusts, which was another thing the touted. I'm actually afraid of the service I will receive from this group if I ever need to exercise the protection of the Trust.
USExcellent!! Excellent!!! Excellent! I don't know what I would've done without the guidance of Ike, Doug and the crew at Lodmell & Lodmell! Highly recommend for anyone looking to secure their assets however big or small!