Joseph duker
USI don't like when U ask me for other… I don't like when U ask me for other things, retirement benefitsf, SS, banks, checking leave me alone I got what I want send the Triva thats It if not take me off.
Gene Ortiz
USI like different topics some are the… I like different topics some are the same but the ones I’ve never seen gets knowing things I must know. I exercise my brain a good habit. Keep it going😁.
Johnnie Iguess
USI only give a 4 because you still… I only give a 4 because you still interfere, with the question. I can see the ads after the question is answered. Why do you still insist on popping the ads, when most people do not even have time to read the question? Most of us have other things to do, but i do enjoy the Trivia POP, I am giving you one more week to stop the ads during the actual question.
USMy only critique is the trivia tends… what I mean is I see the same questions & quizzes on consecutive days. Your questions and quizzes are very good, but I love fresh trivia every day. For example I have answered”who is little Ricky’s baby sitter” three times this week. I’m just sayin
USToo much fun Too much fun! I had to limit the number of emails I got from Triviapop so I could get some work done. Well designed website with lots of fun information. And, I'm better than I thought I would be at answering correctly. Try it!