Michael Kaufmann
DEBerlin Workshop Dear Thorsten a short feedback from your workshop. At first I didn't realize what I had learned. The editing and especially the portrait shooting brought me a lot. In addition, the workshop gave me something new. I dared to submit a picture (edited with TVO analog preset) to the Meistercamera street art contest. The picture has now been chosen for an exhibition along with 14 others. It is amazing. Thank you for your influence and the inspiration of your books.
Roald Sieberath
BEIn the footsteeps of a Master of photography... A common mistake when you fall in love with photography, is to think that buying gear will bring you talent. Not so. When you're serious about photography, you need to devote quite a few hours, a couple days, to learn the craft by observing from someone who has honed his own craft for decades, like Thorsten Overgaard. I had the chance to be in the footsteps of Thorsten, during a street photography workshop he organised in Paris, and it really opened my eyes on how to have the proper look through my freshly bought (used) Leica. It is the kind of experience that "sticks" with you later, for hours of photographic pleasure. Not only did I learn about the technique but I was able to pick up almost on a philosophical level, an appreciation of life & light that is part and parcel of the craft of true Masters.