Alexandre Bernardo
PTI've been following their BTC analysis… I've been following their BTC analysis for a few months, and it's been spot on! They also give out some valuable education tips. From my 4 years experience on crypto, I find this group among the best i've found and used!
Ratnesh Mangrulkar
RUFrom Twitter I got to know about… From Twitter I got to know about CoinCodeCap then i wanted to check it out so i joined it's free telegram channel. In a few days they proved that they are the best and they know exactly each every move of the market. It's really very difficult in such creepy volatile month to predict any future but they did very well . I'm so impressed with it and looking forward with it.
DEGreat point to begin the trading journey "Not another crypto signals telegram group" was my first thought as I found them and joined the public channel. But after the first analysis came through and I watched how it matched up with the chart movement the next days, I got stunted by the accuracy. Watching their analysis was a point of education for my own decision making in trading crypto. The frequency of signals is amazing, even enough are in the public ground to get a glimpse of what is going on in the premium groups and the services (risk management etc) they provide. For anyone who hesitate to put money in the payed signals: take a breath, join the public channel and watch the next price predictions or look at the old ones, let their work speak for themselves and decide after.
Ioan Grama
ROReally liked the signal I got from CCC… Really liked the signal I got from CCC vip a couple months ago, just need to be very careful with the settings you choose for the Cornix trading bot because those could change the results of the trades.
Elsaid ahmed
GBGreat service and really good accuracy Great service and really good accuracy. No gambling with high lev. And they always on top of the charts analysing and sharing with us. Opened my eyes on so many new things which made my trading better