Élie Laverdure
CARefund The customer service was excellent, they managed the refund quickly and effectively.
Mary Anne Donald
CATotally useless Totally useless. I was looking for a specific piece of information about the salvage title. I already knew it had a salvage title just needed one more specific piece of information. Although it showed the accident related to the write off the vehicle, it had nothing regarding it having a salvage title. Aside from noting the 3 claims it had, it had absolutely nothing else regarding the vehicle the basic info that comes with the VIN number. These people shouldn't even be in business. If it were possible to give it a lower rating I would.
gary marks
USGives you less information than the 1… Gives you less information than the 1 dollar reviews for ten times the price. Absolutely a fraction of the information is given . Feeling ripped off ..Any maintenance records? And so much more left off. Didn't even give me a option to save the report if you can call it that. But good news, I know where it's manufactured , what a joke
USVery helpful in finding issues with ownership Very helpful in finding issues with owner ship that was not shown on CarFax. Very helpful when I got a call back to explain the report.
Richard Wood
CAAs others have called out As others have called out, there are scams associated with this site and business. I am not accusing them directly, but it's clear that agents/partners are contacting sellers of vehicles and requesting this report before they buy your vehicle. They then never show up and you never hear from them again. This has happened multiple times to me on a couple of vehicles I've sold. If VinAudit is compensating partners for reports that are paid for and generated, then they are promoting this practice and must know it's taking place.