Ashleigh Di Lello LLC

PO Box 970171, 877 E 1200 S, 84097, Orem, United States
Based on 20 Reviews










About Ashleigh Di Lello LLC

Ashleigh Di Lello is the founder & creator of Bio Emotional Healing®, a revolutionary method based in neuroscience that helps her clients around the world finally break free from chronic pain, limiting beliefs, behaviors, and emotions to thrive in their lives! Despite being told by doctors she wouldn't live past her teenage years, she refused to give up and discovered the secret to rewiring the brain-body connection.

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Amanda S.

Brilliant Program After doing Bio Emotional Healing®, I'm truly more engaged to just be in the present moment. I'm able to feel joy and see life through a new perspective. I have less anxiety and feel more peace, calmness, and connection. I no longer run away from my feelings,but have experienced the freedom of letting go. There's a hopefulness now inside that allows me to look forward to each new day! Even though there were challenging moments in the journey, I loved every moment of it as I feel empowered that I have taken back my power. It's like everything I've been waiting for.

Holly Turley

Life Changing, Soul healing The dialogue in my head and how I process experiences has completely changed. I have learned to give experiences different meanings that serve me better and support me instead of creating fear, lack and anxiety. One of my favorite things that I have experienced through Bio Emotional Healing®, is that I feel much more like myself than I have in years. I honestly can't remember the last time I felt so connected to my body, my soul, my mind. I had some issues with dissociation from trauma while driving, and this course has helped me with my presence of mind and body, and confidence in who I am. I have also gained a greater appreciation and love for myself and my body. Having had anxiety around medical things, this is a huge blessing as I usually feel so much fear when something goes wrong or I am sick, or someone in my family is hurt or sick. It has given me the tools necessary to experience them with perspective and confidence, instead of crumbling into victim mode. Since finishing the course, my family has experienced quite a few challenges and I feel more calm than I have in years! Working with Ashleigh and doing Bio Emotional Healing® has been the raft I've been trying to find in the storm! Thank you Ashleigh for sharing your knowledge and strength! It's life changing!

Rebecca J

I am a totally different person… I am a totally different person than I was at the beginning of starting Bio Emotional Healing®. I broke some old lies and replaced them with truth, and established new boundaries with loved ones. I am not being triggered into stress as easily and have dealt with relationships in a whole new way. During the process, I went through some extremely stressful trials and I believe God provided my time with Ashleigh and Bio Emotional Healing® to prepare me for the trials that were headed my way. I truly believe that I would not have made it through so stable in my mental strength and grounded in hope had I not had my time with her and learned Bio Emotional Healing®. I am forever grateful! -Rebecca J

Richelle Jolley

My life has been immensely enriched by Ashleigh My life has been immensely enriched by Ashleigh’s light and guidance, through her Bio Emotional Healing® program! I now comprehend that I AM the 100% influencer and creator of my life. I am convinced that my greatest power is in focusing on what I desire. I am now actually releasing myself from the past and from the negativity that weighed me down and kept me from all things glorious! I now choose to move forward and not look back!! Thank you, Ashleigh, for shining your light so that I could see what was possible for my own life!


My wife suffers from mental health… My wife suffers from mental health issues. She heard about Ashleigh Di Lello's program to rewrite the brain and thought maybe it would be beneficial to her. She scheduled a free phone consult to learn about the program and such. During the call, my wife shared her fears and frustrations with mental health and how she is searching for something that could help her. She became very emotional and vulnerable. Even though Ashleigh's program is more geared toward overcoming chronic pain, she talked up her program like it would solve all of my wife's problems. Being emotional and vulnerable and desperate, my wife gave Ashleigh her credit card to sign up for an 8 week program. Ashleigh then charged our card $2,500, which was only half the cost of the program. The other half to be charged later. Later, my wife and I talked and did a little more research about Ashleigh and found that the only testimonials we could find ANYWHERE were only on Alsheigh's own site. There were videos that talked about people that had overcome their physical pain issues. There wasn't really anything that talked about mental health issues. So, we decided that this might not be the program for my wife at this time, but who knows, maybe we would eventually come full circle and return to this program. My wife informed Ashleigh that we had decided not to do the program and asked that we receive our money back. Ashleigh said she would only give us back $2,000. Remember, we have not actually received anything from Ashleigh at this point. No classes, no therapy, no program or anything. My wife had only done this FREE phone consult. In the e-mail Ashleigh sent my wife, she said that should would only refunt $2,000 which was "more than fair". I was flabbergasted! Keeping $500 of our money is more than fair for doing absolutely nothing? How does she justify that? I know if I purchase something from the store and find that it doesn't fit, they store gives me all my money back when I return the item. If I rent a car but never actually get the car, I am charged nothing. How in the world does she think it is "more than fair" to keep $500 of our money when she has not given us ANYTHING?! We are in the process of disputing the charge with our credit card company, but she claimed that she refunded $2,000 and we are not due any more than that. I will continue to dispute the charge. I would highly recommend that you stay FAR away from Ashleigh Di Lello at I feel this kind of behavior is immoral and unethical if not illegal. This behavior also completely undermines her program as being completely fake and fraudulent. You shouldn't have to do this if the program is legit. The funny thing is that if she had been honest with us and refunded the money, who knows, we may have ended up going back to her and actually doing the program. Now, we will stay FAR FAR away and I would advise you do the same. I wish someone had left a review here before we looked into Ashleigh's program to help us avoid this. I leave the review here to hopefully help someone else save themselves from being robbed. I hope I can get the $500 back, but if not, at least I can help other people from falling for this and let them keep their money. Don't give this woman your credit card number or you will regret it!

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