Emily McEwen
USunknown subscription Somehow I was billed for Academia.edu's subscription for years and I paid thousands of dollars for a website I have simply logged into a couple times when I was in college. I advise other people to be weary of any free trials and keep your cancellation confirmation so you don't end up in a situation like mine.
Jeroen de Bruijn
NLACademia is in violation I keep getting emails that I am getting mentioned or used in academia papers, only trying yo charge me a huge amount for a premium upgrade. The pount is that anything i write or photograph is either compleetly copyrighted by me (So academia is in violation) or publisg unde creative comments share alike in witch case academia still is in violation. Third posibility is then just spamming me with email. Witch , in the way they do, is also in violation.
NLTerrible site Terrible site, looking once and get overloeade with SPAM. Trying to unsubscribe .... unfortunately doesn't work. You get a message "unsubscribed succesfully" and within one hour new spam mails apear. USELESS REPLY RECEIVED TELLING. you can adjust your settings, of course did I do this but as already advised this doesnét work. THEREFORE remove me from ALL your Servers
Pinza UK
GBMultiple "unsubscribe" requests ignored Despite multiple requests to unsubscribe from "is this publication yours?" emails, they keep coming. This has been going on for six months. It is spamming now, pure and simple. Academia.edu is not respecting the notification choices of their customer base - and they are also breaking UK law by doing this!
dude d
GBfirst the very bad news .. first the very bad news ... a simply click gives academia.eu access to all of your google contacts!! BEWARE giving your contacts away as it can be used maliciously. second... endless 'recommendations' that in effect become spam by sheer numbers. Occasionally i do come across an interesting paper, but i have to wade through so much else to find it. NOTE THE REPLY. NO DENIAL THAT TAKING YOUR CONTACTS HAPPENS! just a curious 'sorry you had this experience'. well of course i had this experience, thats IS the academis.eu experience they have set up!