Jeron Hille
AUFake site Fake site. Must always pay to write and chat. Can't contact ladies away from site as all personal contact info is blocked even if the lady wants to give you her details. 50% of profiles are fake and others there just to make money off you paying to chat to them and in your terms of use you stated You understand, acknowledge and agree that some profiles appearing on Talkliv may be created or operated by Talkliv or third-party contractors. The purpose of these types of profiles is to stimulate conversation with Users and encourage further and broader participation in all of Talkliv services.Lying MOTHER %$$^^&&^%%
Valle Ekelin
AUIt seems that this platform is only for cheating It seems that this platform is only for cheating both men and women for money and not for meeting. Paid women cheat on men with meaningless emails and get commissions. I have received a few hundred emails but have not received direct contact with a single one. A woman wrote that one of my letters was censored and that the address was deleted. They make money by keeping everything internal and the virtual women are probably only on their servers. When I published this rating, I received an email containing their policy. Unfortunately could not live by this. Then I was suspended because my debit card was no longer accepted!
Vladimir Dorm
USTalkliv not only helps to get rid of… Talkliv not only helps to get rid of loneliness, to find a companion, but also to learn more about life in other countries, to widen your horizons. You can't imagine how nice it is to have a quiet chat with a pleasant companion after a noisy job.
rose zakharov
NLI like that you can visit Talkliv at… I like that you can visit Talkliv at any time and from any place where there is Internet. There is always someone on the site and it's easy to find someone to talk to. I have never been disappointed in my choice.
Andy К
ITIf you do not want to run into an… If you do not want to run into an inadequate interlocutor while communicating on the Internet, use only reliable sites. I can tell you about Talkliv. It's safe here, and it's possible to communicate with people from different countries. And the paid services cut off casual visitors.