USNot bad for an Online retailer. Bike and pedals arrived on time, as described, and at a more reasonable price point than other places I looked. Bike was well set up, considering it was put into a box and shipped cross country. I've ordered parts fro Jensens before and had a similarly positive experience.
Rae Murphy
USnice bike at a great price Very easy to purchase a bike on line, which I was a bit hesitant about. The bike arrived with very little assembly needed. It was exactly as described on the website. No surprises.
Marty Weeks
CAFAST turnaround on orders Had what I needed when I needed it, easy to use site, FAST delivery up into Canada, even with CA/US exchange, prices were competitive.
Ron Junio
USDarren is awesome! *********** Darren is awesome. His customer skills are way past 10 stars. Double it! Give him a raise! He alone kept me to stay as a loyal customer. I called 57 times in two days. No response back from the technology to human disconnect at number.
James Gordon
USI will always go through Jensen due to… I will always go through Jensen due to the fact if you ever need help with what part you need, you can always contact them directly and they will guide you to the right product.