USNOTE WELL the return policy!! The builder's opinion is that the unit is too heavy for the roof of my particular van. That is not Velit's fault. What I did not expect was the only return within 30 days if it does not work return policy. I did not even think to check the policy because...well, who doesn't have a 30 day return policy for an unopened box? I take responsibility for not checking, but I find this policy completely unreasonable. Now I have a $1700 (including shipping) unit that I cannot use.

Russell Hargis
USThe unit has no air filter The AC unit cools and operates well. The unit does not have an air filter. Running any AC unit without an air filter will eventually clog the evaporator coil with lint which will destroy the efficiency of the unit. The evaporator coil is wet from condensed air causing the lint to stick to the coil, reducing airflow and severely impacting the cooling. It is very hard and messy to clean an AC evaporator coil. The support technician advised me they are aware of this and working on a fix. Once filter issue is resolved the unit is worthy of the highest rating.

USGood product and solid customer… Good product and solid customer support. Our 2000R unit worked great on four 100ah lithium batteries. Install was a bit tricky, but got good answers from the support guy. Looking forward to the housing extension for thicker roof installations.

USVelit actually responds, best customer service during our van conversion! During our van conversion, we had a lot of issues getting our items. Velit was the best company we interacted with throughout the whole process- they were very quick to respond & work with us. We chose to pick up the air conditioner, as we were in the area. And although the shipping warehouse was a disorganized pain, Velit did everything they could to make the process quick & easy for us. I appreciate their timeliness by phone & email, again they were much better than the other companies we dealt with throughout the conversion.

Russ M
USGreat AC - Issue at install AC unit came packed well, but out of the box it had issues and an error upon installation. A wire had come off the condenser somehow and had to be fixed (crimped on) by the installer. He worked with VELIT to get it fixed and they said they are changing the design to keep that from happening. AC unit itself seems to work well, hoping for longevity and the company does seem to really ensure all is good when you have a problem.