AUA great idea A great idea. Sometimes I just want to play with an idea and CodeAnywhere lets me spin up a dev environment quickly and work on it. After a long wait they finally updated .Net Core to the latest version, and changed their editor to VSCode. There are still things i'd like to see added over time like a complete rewrite of their documentation, better control of port binding, maybe a nice GUI for Git, and maybe a nice easy way to build and publish code to an external host. But the real value is having a dev environment completely hosted in the cloud.
Paulo Fernandes GatoSerio
PTCodeanywhere allows me to get to and… Codeanywhere allows me to get to and manage all my machines from anywhere (pun intended) been using it for over 3 years (used Koding before that, until they stopped). Tried Amazon cloud9 and several others, even remote VS, but none compares to the simplicity of remote connection and quick containers. Very happy costumer and I recommend it
Peter B
GBI've been a user for over 10 years I've been a user for over 10 years - whenever I need to spin up a new demo, prototype or just a playground to try out a feature or two, Codeanywhere is my go-to platform. I haven't needed always-on features much of the time but when I do, I flex my subscription to accommodate my needs. There are plenty of imitators but Codeanywhere is the one for me.
Alexandre Carneiro
BRCodeAnywhere is my favorite #1 IDE Hello. I’ve been using CodeAnywhere since December 7, 2017 (before that I was using Visual Studio). The flexibility of having our web servers connected to CodeAnywhere via SSH, plus the many times I had to do a last minute changes in a project source code (sometimes on my iPhone App), it’s very important for me. I’ve seen first hand all their improvements over the years and today CodeAnywhere is my favorite #1 IDE, period. I recently started to code, build, run, deploy and collaborate on Dockerfile projects instantly, from a web browser, on this based Cloud IDE, it’s been working really well for me and our team. I (Alex) started using CodeAnywhere, now Valeria (our Frontend) and even our CEO (Nolan) is using now. The only thing I miss is an iPad app, which I know it’s not an easy task but if I can use your Iphone app in a small screen, I’m looking forward to seeing on iPad or even an Android tablet. A+++ CodeAnywhere, A+++
Kurt Obando
PHNo Support after their site SSL expired No Support after their site SSL expired. At the moment, we cannot use their platform due to this inconvenience. What bothers me most, no support acknowledge the situation.