USFrendly, Knowledgable Easy to make appointment; friendly staff; quick follow-through on deliverables, knowledgable, convenience office location.
Michael Pfautsch
USI was referred to Chris at Insurance… I was referred to Chris at Insurance Pros by friends of mine that use him. I am a retired insurance agent and if these individuals used him, I felt comfortable. I scheduled a meeting and was told to come 15 minutes early and we may have more than the hour appointment that was scheduled. We didn't actually get in for the meeting until a couple of minutes after the scheduled time. The presentation was great and we narrowed it down and ended the meeting because he had another appointment. They didn't follow up with me and when I contacted the person I was supposed to, she was out of the office and nobody reviewed her emails. I researched the policy that we had talked about and we were ready to go with. I found that the information he gave us was incorrect and the policy would not have covered what we discussed, it was VERY clear what we were looking for. I will say that Chris and his staff were courteous and friendly, but if you give someone misinformation on something this important, you not doing what people expect from you. He did apologize, but I think this needed to be shared, if i went with the plan he suggested, we wold not have had the coverage we needed and wanted.
Chuck Mehrer
USWorthwhile seminar At the Lenexa seminar, Chris did a great job giving us an overview of the types of Medicare plans available. I will still need help choosing the right plan and plan to work with them when I become eligible in the fall.
USI have complete confidence that Chris… I have complete confidence that Chris understands the insurance options available to me and has educated me on my choices. He is very straight forward and would not try to provide an option that is not in my best interest. He is great at explaining a complicated industry.
Kim Kowalski Meyers
USChris Goodwin was very helpful and… Chris Goodwin was very helpful and informative as we compared insurance plans for 2022 based on my existing plan. He had several options for me to consider based on my needs and I will be recommending him to others in the future.