Rider Rider
USYou Don't Always Get What You Pay For Enjoy the helmet's light weight and ratchet chin strap, but that's where the satisfaction ends. For the price, the quality of the helmet overall is lacking (former Shoei owner). The ventilation is poor and the vents themselves appear to be made of cheap plastic. The technology is a nice idea, but it is not Siri compatible which reduces ease of use. And although I do not own one, I'm told the Apple Watch has the ability to detect a hard fall and send emergency alerts and location coordinates, so there's that. Lastly, the sound quality of the helmet's speakers is incredibly poor. (All treble, no mids or lows). I listened to a friend's Sena system after the fact, and Quin has nothing on it. Bottom line is, this helmet is gathering dust on my shelf, and it's not for the lack of riding.
Phillip Irons
USNice Looks, light and a good price for the certifications. The shell is pretty and the coating on the shell is flawless. The interior is nicely done but is too noisy to hear the speakers at highway speeds. The visor attaching hardware is surprisingly cheap in appearance and hard to imagine holding during an accident. The weight is light and the wind stream is good. The price is good for a helmet with the certifications that have been given.
Noe Romero
USLove the way the helmet looks Love the way the helmet looks, the aerodynamics of the helmet feel great. I have found that part of the inner lining is moving. The speakers sound like they are blown as well, i would recommend better speakers
Shannon Smith
USThe design and comfort of the helmet is… The design and comfort of the helmet is fantastic. My two stars are for the horrible sound quality of the speakers. They have no bass, all tweeter and hurt to listen to. I'm actively trying to sell this basically unworn helmet as I can't wear it. My Kardo system is so much better for sound quality.
Robert Manalo
USNot fault of customer service rep Not fault of customer service rep. Poor exchange policy for e-commerce. Quin has no brick and mortar overhead so there is no excuse good enough.